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Monday, January 17, 2011

Telling the story of the wolf and the Howl.

This was supposed to be an audio project and it is. It has audio and video and I think if I am deducted points that is absurd! Here is my take on the Jonathan Flaum's Finding Your Howl.

Part to of this assignment was to read your favorite quote, lyrics etc..... So I chose the qoute by Martine Scorsese
"Basically, you make another movie, and another, and hopefully you feel good about every picture you make. And you say: `My name is on that. I did that. It`s OK.` But don`t get me wrong, I still get excited by it all. That, I hope, will never disappear."
Here is my explanation on camera and I better not get any points deducted once again even though it's a video it still has audio!

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